Noah and the baby bunnies

>> Wednesday, September 30, 2009

These little bunnies, about 6 days old, were attacked by a dog and orphaned. Two out of the litter of five did not survive, and these three were not doing very well.

Noah is a non-releasable, one-legged homing pigeon/rock dove that is in the rehab centre. Noah kept going over to the bunny cage and looking in -- even sleeping in front of the door to the cage.

Then, suddenly, there were only two bunnies in the cage. But when Noah moved a bit from the front of the cage to everyone's surprise...there was the tiny bunny..under Noah's wing...sound asleep! That little bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed, no doubt to snuggling up with its littermates!

Now, they are all together and the bunnies are doing GREAT. When the bunnies scoot underneath Noah's feathers, he carefully extends his wings out to surround them and then they snuggle. When one of them moves and they start sticking out here and there, he gently pushes them back under him with his beak! It's like he's saying It's my job to keep you safe ....



>> Monday, September 28, 2009

Here is "Quinn" an Australian Shepherd recently rescued by a really kind hearted pet lover in Western Michigan. This thoughtful lady found Quinn on Craig's List and discovered that he was to be put down the next day..

Our favorite lady got her husband on the phone and they rushed off to adopt Quinn. Immediately he looked at them as if to say take me, I'm Adorable! Since bringing him home theyve found him to be a very sweet loving family friendly dog. Quinn fell in love with their kids immediately and to quote the family took all the "pettin" he could get.

Quinn now lives with children and has a good size back yard (fenced) where he can run off that massive energy these dogs are known to possess. Quinn loves to go to the school to meet the kids and grab a bunch more pettin!


Save A Pet's Life-American Red Cross CPR Class

>> Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pets are great fun, great company and generally make their human companions feel great. So what better way to show you care than to educate yourself in ways to keep your beloved pet safe. How? Call your local chapter American Red Cross to take a dog or cat cpr class.

Pictured here are members of Therapy Dog Foundation and Toy Dog Club of South Florida attending the doggie cpr class. For approx. 3 hours and an affordable fee you can help a pet in distress or even save a pets life! Caretaker quote of the day:"As long as I'm around nothin bad is gonna happen to you"


R U Ready for some Football-NFL Season begins

>> Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sundays of summertime filled with sunbathing and shopping malls are no more. It's 1pm and Grandma Lynn made sure Im donning the perfect pigskin day princess uniform. Im jonesing for a Big Pretzel but mommy popped the top off some Pringles and shes shouting commands at some Dolphins. They have pretty outfits on too but looks like they need to go back to obedience school.....


Supernatural Season 5 Opener Tribute to Jared & Jensen / Support A Dog's Life Rescue.

>> Thursday, September 10, 2009

As promised my second of a two part tribute blog for CW's Supernatural Season 5 opener.

Today I am highlighting A Dog's Life Rescue in California. An animal charity that Jared Padalecki aka Sam Winchester, has officially endorsed. Supernatural fans are raising money in tribute to him and his co-star Jensen Ackles, aka Dean Winchester, also a big animal lover, on screen brother and supportive best friend to Jared.

A Dogs Life Rescue is a non-profit organization in Los Angeles run by Julia Pennington and Allison Lange who's mission is to save neglected, abandoned and abused dogs plus other animals. Since this is run by volunteers all donations, meaning 100% goes to providing shelter, medical attention, adoptions and animal welfare in general. Jared is pictured above with Mika, the ADLR mascot and also below with his 2 beloved rescue dogs on set in Vancouver, Sadie and Harley.

If you care to donate in tribute of Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles I checked the site earlier today and the donations were just over $12,700.00 so far awesome!

The web address to donate is Dogs Life Rescue

Also Tonite watch and support J2 our Supernatural Superheroes on your local CW affiliate 9p.m. sharp as the battle between good and evil resumes.


Cosette's Trip to Michigan

Hi I'm Cosette.
Like a week ago my mommy got out my favorite bag.
The one that takes me to the big tin can that let's us off at granma's and granpa's.
It's so cool cause granpa has all these white things he calls golf balls. He hits them with a weird silver stick and they fly everywhere.Mommy doesnt have golf balls at home so it's the best thing ever!!!

We had so much fun because grandma and grandpa and great-grandma had all these people there for something called a picnic. I, of course, was the belle of the ball. All I had to do was bat my eyes and all the people played my games and most importantly snuck me hot dogs and carrot cake...

Anyway, It's Tuesday we just got back to Broward County so I guess that's ok but now I have to eat from my own bowl and there's no white balls here at all. Moms listening to some band called "Asia". Guess I'll have to make my own fun and chase my bff Charlize around the house. She protests with this funny sound and bats me in the head with her paw but she loves it and she knows it.


Supernatural Star Jared Padalecki's Rescue Dogs

>> Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today September 1st 2009 is the official release date of CW's Supernatural season 4 on DVD.In light of that I'm writing the first of a 2 part series in tribute to my favorite tv actors Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles,aka Sam & Dean Winchester.

Jared is well known for his efforts and contributions with rescue dogs and is a proud owner of 2 rescue dogs named Harley, a Mastiff mix & Sadie, a German Shepherd mix. It is said that Jared bought a house in Vancouver ( where he & Jensen film ) just so Harley & Sadie can have a yard.

He states in interviews that it's great to walk to his trailer(on set) and sit down on his couch with his dogs heads on his lap. As pictured above he even plays ball with them during lunch breaks. Recently, he was heard fielding a question from a fan regarding his dogs personalities.

I had to laugh aloud when he said Sadie is smart, conniving and a criminal mastermind. Kinda reminds me of my resident 7 lb menace Cosette. Harley, he said is just happy to be petted. Imagine that! Well I sure can't...

So stay tuned on Thursday, September 10th when I blog about the Winchester boys again and Jared's affiliation with a non profit Dog/Pet Rescue in California. We know Jared's best buddy Jensen's a huge animal lover too! Anyway, THNX J2 for a great 4 years!!!
Waiting so impatiently for season 5 as the Bro-mance resumes.


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