Support Supernatural Year End Fundraiser Update : A Dogs Life Rescue
>> Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Hello All,
As we conclude 2009, we wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude.
We honestly do not know where to begin. 2009 was a truly a wonderful year. This fandom blows us away time and time again. You creatively promote our favorite show relentlessly. You passionately promote Jared's charity consistently...
And you donate like crazy! Between our 2009 campaign fundraiser and our additional holiday fundraiser, we raised a total of $17,431! Take that in for a second. Can you believe it? Think about how many animals were saved because of YOU! You all are so amazing. Dare we say it, but you are the BEST FANS IN THE WORLD!
As we enter 2010, we will of course continue to do what we have done since season two. We'll continue to promote the heck out of the most awesome show on television today and of course we will continue to raise funds for A Dog's Life Rescue. Full details will follow, but expect monthly incentives, new interviews...And a whole new site to donate - where your donation dollars will be stretched further than any site we've used before! To say we're excited is an understatement.
Please know that we would never ask anyone individually to donate, but what help we would love to have in 2010 is for you to keep doing what you do best - tell the world about Supernatural and about the good deeds we fans do. We are such huge animal advocates and being able to tie this passion into our favorite TV show has been so rewarding. We hope you are enjoying the ride as well.
Here's to a magical 2010 and a fabulous start to a new decade!
Lindsay Warren and Heather Vitas
Support Supernatural:
Happy New Year to Everyone at A Dog's Life Rescue and to Lindsay and Heather for everything you guys do at Support Supernatural
btw: Don't forget to watch Supernatural 9pm Thursday on CW
ALSO TNT just picked up the syndication rights so check TNT for listings starting January 4th 2010 !!!