Supernatural Star Jared Padalecki's Rescue Dogs

>> Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today September 1st 2009 is the official release date of CW's Supernatural season 4 on DVD.In light of that I'm writing the first of a 2 part series in tribute to my favorite tv actors Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles,aka Sam & Dean Winchester.

Jared is well known for his efforts and contributions with rescue dogs and is a proud owner of 2 rescue dogs named Harley, a Mastiff mix & Sadie, a German Shepherd mix. It is said that Jared bought a house in Vancouver ( where he & Jensen film ) just so Harley & Sadie can have a yard.

He states in interviews that it's great to walk to his trailer(on set) and sit down on his couch with his dogs heads on his lap. As pictured above he even plays ball with them during lunch breaks. Recently, he was heard fielding a question from a fan regarding his dogs personalities.

I had to laugh aloud when he said Sadie is smart, conniving and a criminal mastermind. Kinda reminds me of my resident 7 lb menace Cosette. Harley, he said is just happy to be petted. Imagine that! Well I sure can't...

So stay tuned on Thursday, September 10th when I blog about the Winchester boys again and Jared's affiliation with a non profit Dog/Pet Rescue in California. We know Jared's best buddy Jensen's a huge animal lover too! Anyway, THNX J2 for a great 4 years!!!
Waiting so impatiently for season 5 as the Bro-mance resumes.


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